Up Your Dinner Party Game with These 3 Interior Design Tips | Jerome's Furniture

Up Your Dinner Party Game with These 3 Interior Design Tips

Does the thought of hosting a lavish dinner party make you cringe because your home doesn't quite fit the bill to host it? Perhaps you see your home as the perfect size for a Hobbit party. Or maybe it lacks charm or an unforgettable view. According to Food and Wine magazine, there's no need to fret, as the key to a special dinner party lies in the people and conversation.

If you feel your home is not up to scratch, you can always recreate the right atmosphere with some crisp flowers, cotton napkins, scented candles, and soft music. Oh, and you should definitely dress up. That being said, remember that your dining room furniture plays a fundamental role in your dinner-hosting feats. Here are some interior design tips on how to make hosting a breeze.

Use Chairs of Different Sizes and Styles and Always Have Extras

Some people will turn up at dinner parties whether they've been invited or not (gate crashers abound). Chances are that a neighbor or family member who is unaware of your plans may decide to visit, or perhaps a few people have decided to tag along with your invited guests.

Whatever the case, it's wise to have some extra chairs in various styles and sizes. To avoid looking like a boardroom, try using a different style for the head, with tinier side chairs. If you're taking your party to the living room or patio afterward, choose chairs that are portable and versatile enough to complement both spaces. Not sure where to find the perfect chairs? Simply buy dining chairs from our range.

Remember that arranged seating can help defuse uncomfortable situations, especially when guests with different personalities clash. So do use place cards and seat key people strategically, like placing the charmer in the center to break the ice.

Get a Functional Buffet Table

With a buffet, you won't need to serve guests individually, and this could free up some space on an overcrowded table. You'll also be able to accommodate more guests than your dining room table allows, plus it's more laid back or informal. Our buffet servers will literally serve you well here.

Remember that people tend to congregate at buffet tables, so ensure there's an easy flow of movement to prevent bottlenecks and frustrated, hungry guests. Provide a starting and ending point plus ample space on both ends for your guests to gather and chow. Also, place your beverages on a separate table so there's less traffic at your main buffet.

Reconsider Your Dining Room Table

If a black buffet server is not your thing, why not use your dining room table? If you're catering for a large party and are always being gate crashed, it's best to buy an extendable dining room table. You could select one from our range here.

Be sure to choose the right extendable dining room table. It should fit both your dining room and budget. Quality and sturdiness should also be a top priority. Rectangular and square tables are the most popular with the largest variety of sizes and styles. However, an oval table will free up more space around the corners. You should also select a table finish that complements your personal taste. Some of the more common finishes are stone, wood, glass, metal, veneer, and laminates.

Now that you know what to look for, it's time to get your guests' tongues wagging with your stellar table setting skills. Don't know how to put your best plate forward? No worries. Just remember to place your water glass to the right of the plates, with your knives just below it. Finally, always place your silverware in the order your guests will be using it, from the inside in.

Up Your Game with Jerome's

Buying different shapes and sizes of our dining chairs and having an excess for uninvited guests makes you a more prepared host who clearly thinks ahead. Our buffet tables also free up dining room table space, making seating more comfortable for guests. Buying a Jerome's extendable dining room table is the perfect solution if you're not keen on a buffet but love to host regularly.